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The Big Date

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2 min video chat dates with people you'll vibe with

No Swiping, just vibing


Just do vibe check and we'll connect you with great people on campus that you'll vibe with for 2 minute vide chat dates. Simple, fast and fun.


Live Sunday Sundays 8pm

Get early access

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No Swiping Just Vibing

Swiping and texting takes a long time. Skip all of that and start going on dates with people that you'll vibe with


5 video chat dates in 10 mins

We’ll organise dates with people that you’ll love based on your vibe, tastes, interests, and preferences

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Say Goodbye to bad first dates

Meet before you meet and if the chemistry is there. Save yourself time and money.

Let's face it, dating apps suck

Too much swiping, too much texting and way too many weirdos that wouldn't pass the vibecheck. But we've got you.


Like a friend who knows you well, we match you up with great people, based on what you love, hate and can't stop talking about. Then set you up on two-minute video-chat dates. That way you can spend less time swiping and more time vibing.


Sundays @8pm

How Does it Work?
1. Reseve

1. Reserve your spot for the Big Date

Sundays @8pm


Sign up now to go greatest campus event of all time.

2. Do a vibe check

Your vibe check helps us match you up with people that you'll vibe with on campus.


It's quick and easy, just 10 yes or no questions, 5 seconds to answer each question and we'll take care of the rest.


No swiping, just vibing.

2. Vibe Check 2_iphonexspacegrey_portrai
How Does it Work?
3. Chat 3_iphonexspacegrey_portrait.png

3. Start vibing with your dates Sunday at 8pm

Let the sparks fly. 2 minute mini dates with people that we know you'll love to meet.


Skip the small talk. Based on your vibe check, we'll provide fun conversation starters guaranteed to get you guys going (should you need a little hand).


It's easy. We'll do the hard work, all you need to do is show up. So sit back, have fun and see what happens - you might just meet the love of your life.

4. Let us know if you liked them

If you liked each other, you go on another mini date, see their profile and chat here or on snap


Dating made fun.


Sundays @8pm

4. Match 2_iphonexspacegrey_portrait.png

Dates with people that you'll vibe

The Big Date 

Sundays @8pm

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